Category Archives: Uncategorized

Magazine Feature : Designer’s Concept

  Headline: 艺术成就唯美家居 / Home Artistry Standfirst: 生活与艺术有着无可切割的纽带。为现代家居带来可提升室内设计风格的画饰,藉此展现个人品味。 Art has always been an indispensable form of expression for the human race since its existence. Honouring that tradition, is offering modern consumers the opportunity to express their individuality through art. — 装饰画成为了现代家居的主要环节,而精品酒店和主题食肆的蓬勃发展更是大大促成了装饰画的流行。不像一般的传统艺术画廊,创办人Angelica利用网络作为主要的推广和销售平台,以大众化的价格让所有人都可负担精美画饰。然而,大众化的价格丝毫不降低画饰的品质和水准。的上千幅作品皆是公司的内部设计师和国外设计师的精心杰作,而店家也承诺会在每个季度增添上百幅新作,消费者只需自行选择心属的尺寸、画饰质感和边框,即可拥有一副理想的画饰。 Art painting plays a huge role in distinguishing personal taste and social status […]

5 Myths of renovating a rental property

Ms Wong, 35, a property investor who owns more than 10 properties and has more than 9 years of renovating and renting property experience. Today, she is going to share with us the “TOP 5 Myths about Renovating a Rental Property “ along her property investment journey.   Myth #1 -“ I want to spend […]